Welcome to Bexley PorchFest 2024! We are so excited to feature these talented musicians for our third annual PorchFest!

Bexley PorchFest Schedule and Map of Porches


Time Porch Musician(s)

2pm 1 Andicus

2pm 4 Bryan Olsheski & Friends

2pm 6 The Big Rockin’ Blues Band

2pm 7 Honey & Blue

2pm 9 Hannah Hampton

3pm 2 Topher James & the Biscuit Brigade

3pm 3 Lily Bloom

3pm 5 Promusica

3pm 8 Suzuki Music Columbus Tour Group Orchestra

3pm 10 Libby Deitrix

4pm 1 Jesse Henry

4pm 4 Michael Cox

4pm 6 Alexandra & the Elm Avenue Band

4pm 7 Waves de Ache

4pm 9 Slim Boogie

5pm 2 The Esteems

5pm 3 Chaz & Nicki

5pm 5 Bexley Jazz Combo

5pm 8 Nomadic Earth

5pm 10 Shane Wesiman

6pm 1 Hadden Sayers